A great piano Masterclass for kids
A great piano Masterclass for kids.
A great piano Masterclass for kids.
WKMT has organised a Masterclass for the young piano students.
I and my colleague, Cristina Guerra, also a Senior piano teacher at the studio, have organised a great Masterclass experience to take place in Kensington studio on 18th March. It is mainly for kids to get them confident enough for their future performing opportunities at WKMT Music Festivals as well as to reinforce some essential points of the piano learning.
They will be rehearsing and play one by one on our Grand piano, while the teacher evaluates their performances by giving some personalised tips.
They will focus on scales, rhythm and the pieces selected for the next Music Festival on May 12th.
This way we create a great chance for our students to participate and explore the real classical music world as proper musicians. Which will give them skills not only in musical matters but in socialize and listen others performing.
Read the article published at WKMT with all the info about this piano Masterclass and get in touch with the next ones. (Go to link aforementioned)
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