Knowing More About Moscheles

Knowing More About Moscheles.

Learn all about this great musician and composer.

Did you hear about Ignaz Moscheles? Have you ever listened to any of his many pieces composed?
Well, Eduardo Martin, our piano tutor in London with WKMT, has recently written an article explaining the life and goals of this great musician. Despite his fame during the XIX Century, it is not very known nowadays. At least, his music is not easily listened to in Europe. For that reason, we like to keep all composers alive and making everyone aware of many other composers apart from Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn or Rachmaninoff.

Of course, we love the latest ones, but we should be able to recognise pieces from many other composers. Analyse them or just listen to them. We might fall in love with composers we never knew about or simply still be loving more the ones we know already.

The good thing about this article is that Eduardo manages to explain his life while in London. As many other artists along the last centuries moved to several cities in Europe to find a better place to live or at least, to keep on doing what they love while being valued. In this case, Moscheles moved to London, and certainly, he had a good time. Most of his famous pieces were composed in this beautiful city, as well as became famous during that time in London and England in general. Like many of us, who came to this great city to become something we always imagined to achieve, Ignaz was also one of us. Obviously, getting more fame throughout the years.

Read the article now and get in touch with the life and famous pieces of this genius of music.


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