Guitar Lessons Victoria

Guitar Lessons Victoria

About me...

The Guitar Technique:
Abel Carlevaro's School of Guitar

Abel Carlevaro (1916–2001) was a virtuoso performer, classical guitar composer and teacher born in Montevideo, Uruguay.
He established a new school of instrumental technique, incorporating a fresh approach to seating and playing the guitar, based on anatomical principles.

Carlevaro’s Guitar Technique is based basically upon the idea of obtaining the maximal result with the minimum effort.
In order to achieve this, the student must go through an intense mental work to resolve problems concerning the instrument and physical effort to mechanise the fingers methodically.

“Technique is, above all, a mental activity  which dictates the movements of the fingers. This term is often wrongly used to mean rapidity, agility, uncontrolled speed, thus ignoring essential elements such as measure, order and evaluation provided by our mind, to reach total submission of the fingers to achieve our purposes successfully. Furthermore, technique should also be understood as the achievements of maximum results with a minimum effort, through the power of our mind.”


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