WKMT London Concert


Mozart and Haydn concertos -

Dear all,
If you were planning to come to our concert on the 28th, please bear in mind that this concert has been cancelled due to the current situation.

Some of our musicians went back to their home countries, and also following the recommendations of avoiding crowds, the organization has postponed the concert.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Thank you all, stay safe and see you soon!
I will keep on studying Haydn then ,)


Poster 28th March 2020 - WKMT Concert

Haydn & Mozart.

That is the name WKMT has given to my next performance in London. Actually mine and Paola Delucchi's.

We are in charge of performing in London on the 28th of March from 6.30 pm in St. Cuthbert's church thanks to WKMT and Markson's Pianos.

I am so glad to be able to perform such a beautiful programme for you all if you would delight us with your attendance.

Paola Delucchi, my colleague on the violin in my previous Haydn concertos, is now in charge of performing the famous Mozart violin concerto Number 1. Accompanied by WKMT Ensemble, I am sure she will do a stunning performance.

In my case, I continue with Haydn concertos. As part of my own project, playing all Haydn piano concertos, this time I will be playing the Number 7 from the famous Hoboken XVIII. With this concert, I would have played five concerts of a total of eleven. 

I am actually quite proud as I have played four concerts this year, and those have been Haydn masterpieces. The numbers 4,6,7 and 11, to be exact. Here below I share with you some of the concerts recorded so far. You can stay in tune on my Youtube channel as I will be posting them all as soon as we perform them.

I would like to make a special mention of WKMT Music studio for being able to provide me with such a huge help by organising these concerts for me and my colleagues.

So well, if you would like to join us on the 28th of March for this new year edition, do not hesitate and contact WKMT. For all the details, click on the link aforementioned. 

Drinks will be served afterwards, that way we can all gather and talk about music and art.

Very much looking forward to it!

Here I share with you my last two performances of different Haydn piano concertos. The first one from Sintra, Portugal, and the second one in London. Both from last year. If you have never listened to a Haydn concerto, do not miss this chance.


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