Your Next London Performing Experience
The Famous London Music Festival, the 9th Edition, is now ready for you to perform in London!
We are calling to all those music students willing to participate in an event in which is all about music and art. Performing your skills in front of the audience while being recorded professionally for you to keep it as your portfolio of performance(s) in London.
On the 15th of June, from 11:00 am you would be able to participate in this event and perform what you know. In the case you are not into performing, you can also join us as part of the audience. Drinks and food catering will be provided throughout the day for all the guests.
This is part of WKMT Piano lessons in London within the pedagogical department.
The full event will be split into three different sections.
- Morning: The little ones and beginner students will be performing between 11.00 am and 1.00 pm.
- Afternoon: Intermediate levels will be between 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm.
- Followed by Evening performances dedicated to the adults, until 8.00 pm.
Everything perfectly scheduled for a fabulous day.
Bring friends and/or relatives and enjoy a beautiful and creative way of celebrating music in London.
Check all the info by clicking on the link aforementioned, and browse our previous festivals to have an idea of what it would be.
Ps. I also copy below the link to my last post published on WKMT Blog talking exactly about the importance of performing in front of the audience for the proper learning process.
Ps. I also copy below the link to my last post published on WKMT Blog talking exactly about the importance of performing in front of the audience for the proper learning process.
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